The BE WELL Center
Serving Bangladesh by providing large-hearted youth who understand public health and holistic wellness.
Adventists Have Something to Say
Reverse Diabetes? Overcome Depression?
Called to share freely, Adventist you at BE WELL are spreading the most precious information to the nation.
Send Us Your Youth, Godly and Bright
We are accepting applications from youth aged 17-35 who are anxious to help the people of Bangladesh. Talk to our current students to see if our training is for you.
Our Mission
To lift the people of Bangladesh holistically while sharing with them the messages of Revelation 14.
Hear From our Students and Friends
“I had so many questions before I came to BE WELL. But in just a few weeks, my post important questions were answered. Now I want to share what I have been learning.” — Shimol Mondol, Charter Trainee.
be well news
read our featured posts
Masters of Biblical Mission and Wellness
Masters of Biblical Mission and Wellness from Weimar University.
Translation of Early Writings Complete – Bangladesh
BE WELL Center has been at the forefront of being good literature to Adventists in Bangladesh. Recently the translation of the Ellen White…
Mission Progress in Bangladesh
In late May we finished our first semester with a dozen trainees. These have entered the field during their summer mission experience…
we have begun building!
Two structures are up and drillers have started a well and gardening and tree planting are ongoing.
our sponsors or helpers
For Sponsors, Helpers and Praying Persons
BE WELL low operations budget and high start up costs. We have raised money for purchasing 8 acres of land (out of 14). We have raised money for translating 12 books (out of 100+) and for printing 3 (out of 110+). We have raised money for building the first 1000 ft2 of floor space (out of 23,600 ft2). We are operating mission trips to share among other Adventists in Bangladesh. Sending all students out for one week costs about $700. We will do this often. We are opening an agricultural lay research program and the costs are largely already raised.
Facts & Figures
See What Has Been Happening At A Glance